/// @{ Bamelg is component-oriented language similar to C# but designed for low-level purposes.
///    Designed to be used by C++/C# experts
///    Powerful type system
///        Primitive types
///            bool, byte, sbyte, ushort, short, uint, int, ulong, long, float, double, Guid
///                Decimal, hexadecimal, binary literals
///            Big-endian and little-endian variants of primitive types - float/float_littleendian/float_bigendian etc.
///        Derived types - pointers, references, fixed arrays, dynamic arrays
///        String types - SbcsString, Utf8String, Utf16String, Utf32String
///        Enums, interfaces, functors, delegates 
///    Rich language features
///        Properties, indexed properties, indexers, safe navigation
///        Automatic struct layout packing
///        Template structs/classes/interfaces/functors/delegates/methods
///            Full specialization support
///        Overloadable operators
///        Reflection, attributes
///        Events, Iterators, Extension methods
///        Lambda expressions
///        Assembly language support
///        Overflow checking intrinsics
///        Non-cdecl calling conventions support
///        Thread-local storage, fiber-local storage
///    Bare-metal runtime
///        Fiber-based framework for IO-intensive tasks
///            High-perfromance HTTP server and Thrift RPC servers are provided
///        Flexible template collection types
///            Easy to use containers List<T>, Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, HashSet<T> etc.
///            High-volume containers PagedQueue<T>, PagedPool<T>
///        No garbage collector with unexpected delays
///            Customizable atomic/non-atomic reference counting for class instances
///        No mix of languages in runtime library
///            All high-level and low-level code written entirely in Bamelg
///        Able to interop with any native libraries
///            GTK bindings x86 x64
///            GDK bindings x86 x64
///            Cairo bindings x86 x64
///            Zlib bindings x86 x64
///            X bindings x86 x64
///            Linux libc API bindings x86 x64
///            FreeBSD libc API bindings x86 x64
///            Windows kernel32 API bindings x86 x64
///    Full .NET framework is required to run compiler
///        Visual Studio is required to build Windows-executables (link.exe)
///        Produced object and executable files are native to OS (no .NET dependencies)
///    Able to generate object files for multiple platforms:
///        FreeBSD 9.0 x86/x64
///        Generic Linux 2.4.*/2.6.*x86/x64 (Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.)
///        МСВС (Russian military Linux 2.4.32, x86_32)
///        Microsoft Windows 7 x86/x64
///    Integration into Visual Studio IDE
/// @}

/// @{ How can you get benefits using Bamelg?
//    Reduce the world carbon dioxide emissions!
//        Since your bamelg applications/servers use less CPU power than non-bamelg ones, modern chips are able to throttle down faster and reduce overall power consumption, resulting in a greener environment
//    Write server code for cloud platforms
//        Generate more dynamic contents than most of servers
//            About 5-9 times faster than NodeJS (1 thread)
//            About 4-8 times faster than Python + Tornado (1 thread)
//            About 3-4 times faster than .NET on MySQL query results parsing
//            About 2 times faster than Go on fiber-heavy workloads
//        If you pay for CPU cycles: your executable will consume less CPU cycles (pay 66$ instead of 100$)
//        If you pay for time: your executable can do more during same time span (use less EC2 instances)
//        64-bit executables generally 5-15% faster on CPU-intensive tasks than 32-bit counterparts on 64-bit OS
//    Optimized executable hard to reverse-engineer program logic (like a C++ executable compiled with IPO)
//        Bamelg code generally faster than non-obfuscated C# assembly (.NET4 on Win7)
//        Bamelg code significantly faster than obfuscated C# assembly
//            Optimizer strips all unnecessary metadata while .NET cannot JIT/execute code without MD
//            CFG becomes extremly complex and hard to understand after IPO and inlining optimization passes performed 
//    Save energy - CPUs consume much less with moderate loads
//        Save space - use less servers than Apache/IIS/GF/TomCat
//        You can gain full C++ performance with nice C#-like syntax
/// @}

/// @{ Examples
//    Linux
//    FreeBSD
//    Windows
//        BamelgBench
//        BamelgForwarder
/// @}

/// @{ Downloads
///    Installer contains stand-alone compiler, examples, VisualStudio 2012/2013 integration package
/// @}

/// @{ Special thanks to all friends for making this project possible
///    Dobromyslov Alexander & Petr, Marina Pototskaya, Alexey Smirnov, Gavriil Sitnikov
/// @}